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Infusions - a way to calm down

through Biogo Biogo 25 Dec 2022 0 comments
Aufgüsse - eine Möglichkeit, sich zu beruhigen

Stress, problems falling asleep, poor sleep quality and nervousness... In the 21st century, it is very difficult to escape the negative effects of the hustle and bustle of life. People facing this should try to deal with anxiety and sleep disorders naturally before deciding to introduce powerful medicines. Herbal teas have been known for centuries and can help you find inner peace and bring relief to your body. You'll usually have to wait a week or two for the effects, although usually the act of sipping a hot brew from a mug calms nerves and puts you in a blissful mood. Do herbal teas really work? What herbs to achieve a good night's sleep? Find out in this article!

Infusions for a good night's sleep - which herbs to choose?

lemon balm (years.: Melissa officinalis) is a very well-known and valued plant, native to Central Asia and the Mediterranean for its properties. Its dried leaves are poured with boiling water and brewed for 15-20 minutes, and a teaspoon of dried leaves is enough for a cup of water. It has a mild taste, thanks to which it is often eaten just for pleasure, but its calming and relaxing effects have been known to mankind for centuries. It's also available in the form of an oil, which can also be used to make an infusion or used in aromatherapy - try adding a few drops to a humidifier or bath.

Camomile (years. Chamomilla recutita, Matricaria Chamomilla L. ), a medicinal plant so common that you don't need to buy it - just head out to a meadow or your own yard to collect baskets full of its beneficial properties. Chamomile drought is brewed like lemon balm, about 15 minutes, and is often included in ready-mixes for herbal and fruit teas.

Ashwagandha (Latin Withania somnifera), or Indian ginseng, is a plant native to modern-day India, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. It has been used in traditional Indian medicine or Ayurveda for centuries and has recently been gaining popularity in the western world. It is classified as an adaptogen , so it is credited with properties that reduce the effects of stress and help maintain the body's proper balance. It also has proven anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It helps fight anxiety and insomnia and improves well-being. Ashwagandha - Infusion is prepared from its root, cut or powdered and brewed in hot but not boiling water for 20 minutes.

Passionsblume (lat. herba passiflorae) was introduced to Europe from South America. It has antispasmodic properties and has sedative and anxiolytic properties, thanks to which it is used in sleep disorders. After consumption, you should not drive a motor vehicle. To brew passion fruit tea, 5 to 10 minutes under the lid is enough.

valerian ( valerian officinalis L. ), or the famous valerian, is a popular remedy for insomnia, restlessness, nervousness and even depression. To achieve the intended effect, valerian should be taken regularly, but with the proviso that after a month of use, a two-week break is recommended. Alcohol or other antidepressants and tranquilizers should not be consumed during treatment with valerian, and it is not recommended for children under 12 years of age. It is found in herbal blends as well as pure.

hemp (lat. Cannabis sativa ) is a species of plant that has only recently experienced its heyday. Hemp is valued primarily for its richness in antioxidants and cannabinoids, especially CBD. What is CBD? It is a substance that relieves tension, anxiety and makes it easier to fall asleep. Hemp tea should be infused with hot, not boiling water for about 5 minutes and prepared with the addition of fat (e.g. butter, milk or coconut oil). You shouldn't consume more than one cup a day.

How to use herbal teas

Even though Herbs are a rather mild and non-invasive healing method, their use should be moderate and, if in doubt, a doctor should be consulted. Particular caution is required for pregnant and breastfeeding women, cancer patients and people taking synthetic drugs, be they tranquilizers or antidepressants. In their case, it is often completely discouraged from taking herbal teas.

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