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History and Use of Spanish Sage

through Biogo Biogo 17 Dec 2022 0 comments
Geschichte und Verwendung des spanischen Salbeis


· History of spanish sage

·        Properties of Spanish sage

·        What else can we do in the find Spanish sage ?

·        10 reasons for "Yes"

·        Nutritional Value of Chia Seeds

·        Application examples

·        use in medicine


history of spanish sage

The centuries-old history of Spanish sage dates back to the time of the Aztecs. Initially, it was mainly cultivated in the countries of present-day Mexico and Guatemala. Over the years, Spanish sage cultivation has appeared in other regions of South America. Over time - along with colonial expansion, geopolitical changes and the development of civilization - this plant also appeared in Europe. However, only a few years ago, the Spanish sage experienced its renaissance and returned to the favor of consumers, entertaining our kitchens and enriching many dishes with its presence. Its constantly growing popularity was primarily determined by its properties, i.e. its positive effect on health, as well as the content of many useful macro- and microelements.

Properties of Spanish sage

If you're still wondering whether to introduce this plant to your kitchen, check out its properties. For many years, Spanish sage has competed with the flaxseed that we are familiar with and which is well established in many recipes. For many people, price became the criterion of choice, leading them to eventually turn to flaxseed. However, it is worth noting that chia seeds are fully worth their price, which is evidenced by both the presence of unsaturated fatty acids and calcium in their composition (which is especially important for allergy sufferers).

What else can we do in the find Spanish sage?

  • it is characterized by a very high fiber content, which has a beneficial effect on the work of the digestive system - in particular, peristaltic movements of the intestine,
  • we will appreciate it for its low calorie value - it will serve as a valuable addition to many recipes without increasing their energy value (it will make it easier to create a balanced diet plan),
  • contains a significant and beneficial for our body content of calcium and iron - it is especially appreciated by people struggling with allergies and anemia.

However, one of the most important benefits of Spanish sage is its very high content of omega-3 acids - much higher than Norwegian salmon. This plant can therefore be used as a supplement to the daily diet, helping to maintain the right balance. The important thing about using chia seeds on a daily basis is that they don't need to be ground or otherwise prepared (like flaxseed does).

It is also worth noting that Spanish sage is of great importance for our health. The omega-3 acids contained in it, which we have already mentioned, have a positive effect on the good condition of the main arteries of our body and, as a result, on the functioning of the circulatory system. An undoubted advantage of chia seeds is also the high fiber content with high bioavailability. Thanks to this, we have the opportunity to improve the efficiency of the peristaltic movements of the intestines and positively affect a significant reduction in blood cholesterol levels. The last benefit of Spanish sage that deserves special mention is its content of lignans - compounds that are of great importance in the body's detoxification processes.

10 reasons for "Yes"

Not only the taste, but above all the wealth of digestible compounds, ingredients and acids mean that more and more people are reaching for Spanish sage. However, we encourage you to reap the benefits of chia seeds by sharing the top ten benefits. Here you are:

  1. low calories
  2. many nutrients,
  3. the presence of antioxidants,
  4. the presence of fiber and carbohydrates,
  5. positive effect on the regulation of metabolic processes - chia seeds are helpful in losing weight (this is determined by the content of fiber and proteins),
  6. the presence of omega-3 fatty acids,
  7. the introduction of Spanish sage in the daily diet contributes to the improvement of morphological parameters (e.g. lower cholesterol levels),
  8. the presence of macro and micronutrients, as well as elements that positively affect the condition of the skeleton,
  9. positive effect on the processes that regulate blood sugar levels (chia seeds are recommended for people with type 2 diabetes),
  10. Due to the richness of many elements valuable for the body, Spanish sage has a similar one
    Effect on the body like isotonic drinks (it has a positive effect on its performance).

Nutritional Value of Chia Seeds

Because of its nutrient richness, Spanish sage is considered one of the most nutritious products found in nature. First, it is an undeniable source of omega 3 and 6 acids, as well as antioxidants and fiber, which are necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Minerals, vitamins and nutrients are also contained here in significant quantities.

g chia seeds is as follows:

  • Egg white - 16.54 g
  • Fat - 30.74
  • Carbohydrates - 42.12 g
  • Phases - 34.4 g
  • Vitamin C - 1,6 mg
  • Thiamin - 0,620 mg
  • Riboflavin - 0,170 mg
  • Niacin - 8.830 mg
  • Vitamin A - 54 IE
  • Vitamin E - 0,50 mg
  • Calcium - 631 mg
  • Iron - 7.72 mg
  • Magnesium - 335 mg
  • Phosphor - 860 mg
  • Potassium - 407 mg
  • Natrium - 16 mg
  • Zink - 4,58 mg

Data Source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference

Application examples

Spanish sage is perfect as a valuable addition to various dishes, to which it can be added both in the form of seeds and ground powder. It is perfect as an ingredient in drinks and cocktails, but can also be used in salads, muesli, grits or other dishes. Ground chia seeds are also great to add to flour, increasing its nutritional value. In this form, it is suitable for baking cakes, bread and pancakes. Spanish sage is also perfect for thickening sauces and soups and even as a starting material for wholesome sprouts. You can also use it to make foam jelly, which is recommended primarily for diabetics and people on a slimming diet.

use in medicine

Consuming chia seeds, even in small amounts, can have a unique effect on the functioning of the human body. In addition to the high content of nutrients and minerals, they can positively influence human functionality in certain health aspects. Using the gel from the combination of Spanish sage and water can have a positive effect on the digestive system, since a layer is formed that prevents the too rapid absorption of some carbohydrates.

In addition, taking porridge causes a feeling of filling in the stomach, which translates into a feeling of satiety, and therefore this product has a beneficial effect on the slimming process. Spanish sage is also recommended in the diet of athletes, influenced by its hydrophilic properties. Thanks to them, the grains have the ability to absorb and retain water even ten times heavier than their weight, thus perfectly hydrating the body from the inside. Due to the fact that they slow down the breakdown of carbohydrates and slow down the absorption of sugar, chia seeds are also recommended for diabetics.

Go to the storeto choose the most suitable Spanish Salvia products for you.


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