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Peruvian ginseng or maca-wurzel

through Biogo Biogo 21 Nov 2022 0 comments
Peruanischer Ginseng oder Maca-Wurzel

Maca root or Peruvian ginseng is a traditional ingredient in the daily diet of Andean Peruvians. It grows high in the mountains in very difficult climatic conditions. This plant consists mainly of carbohydrates, which account for up to 70% of its content, as well as fiber - 20% and easily digestible protein. We also find a very high concentration of vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and C and minerals such as calcium, copper, zinc and iron.

The inhabitants of the mountainous Andes have used this root in their daily diet for hundreds of years and consider it an extremely valuable and highly nutritious part of a balanced diet. Today will be the maca root increasingly popular worldwide and is considered one of the so-called superfoods - due to their unique health properties, superfoods support the proper functioning of the entire body.


Maca root and its effects

Peruvian ginseng is currently available in supplement form. These are tablets or capsules that are powdered Contains maca root. There are many health properties this amazing plant. First of all, the maca root works:

  • Supporting infertility treatment, by supporting ovulation in women and also due to the fact that it increases sperm production in men. Apparently, it also has an effect on increasing libido, thanks to which it is considered a natural aphrodisiac,
  • it can relieve annoying symptoms of menopause as well as menstruation,
  • can improve memory and concentration during intense mental work, as it increases blood flow to the brain,
  • supporting the prevention of osteoporosis,
  • reducing stress and fatigue,
  • can improve mood
  • relieves the symptoms of menopause,
  • supports the treatment of rheumatism - relieves pain in joints, bones and muscles,
  • has a strengthening effect on the hair,
  • Thanks to the sterols contained in the root, it has an effect similar to steroids that can increase muscle mass,
  • regulates the hormonal balance
  • supports the delay of the aging process thanks to the high content of antioxidants,
  • helps regulate cholesterol levels.


Maca root - can the application have side effects?

Powdered maca root can be added to everyday meals, such as fruit or vegetable smoothies. However, for some people it has a fairly specific aftertaste that can be felt in dishes, so a version in convenient capsule form might be a better solution. Peruvian ginseng is considered a safe plant after heat treatment. However, before using maca root supplements, it is better to consult a doctor if you have thyroid problems - this plant contains goitrogens , which are substances that can interfere with the work of this organ. Pregnant and lactating women should also exercise caution.


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