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Superfoods or healthy food from your kitchen

through Biogo Biogo 06 Dec 2022 0 comments
Superfoods oder gesundes Essen aus Ihrer Küche

Fashion for a healthy lifestyle, superfoods and organic products has been developing very quickly lately. It's sometimes hard to keep up with her. If you think you're missing out by not eating oatmeal with chia seeds and hemp milk for breakfast, you're dead wrong! Look into your kitchen to see that's where you'll find Polish superfoods.

What is a superfood?

Superfoods are natural products rich in vitamins and minerals. Among other things, they are characterized by extraordinarily positive properties for health. These are mostly exotic, strange-sounding products such as goji berries, acai or wakame algae. There is no denying that they are very healthy. And if you feel like it - try them, experiment.

However, if you're hesitant, start with our Polish Superfood. It is more than certain that at least some of the products on the list below are in your kitchen. Or is there from time to time. Health!



What would today's kitchen be without garlic? Added in small amounts, it gives dishes a unique flavor. We also love it in the lead role, for example in the form of garlic sauce. However, it is not the taste that decides that it is at the top of Polish superfoods.

The effect of garlic, which is to improve immunity, is well known. And that's just the beginning of its healing properties. It also has a beneficial effect on the heart and nervous system, reduces the risk of hypertension and improves blood circulation. It has antioxidant properties (fights free radicals that contribute to many diseases) and lowers the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. Garlic can also have a positive effect on the appearance of our skin and speed up metabolism.


One of the most commonly served beetroot dishes in Poland is the traditional beetroot with wood chips. While such a combination may be delicious, it's difficult to classify them as superfoods. First, the ground beets are often bathed in fat, and second, the beets were most likely cooked first.

Remember all the benefits of beetroot to use, rather bake them in the oven, in the shell. Otherwise, along with the water, pour out all the micro and macro elements.

And what wonderful properties do turnips have? They deacidify the body and have a beneficial effect on the circulation. Due to the content of anthocyanins, they protect against some types of cancer, lower blood pressure and “bad” cholesterol. They are particularly recommended for women going through the menopause, as well as for pregnant women and those suffering from anemia.



Brussels sprouts evoke few positive associations in many people. However, it is worth disenchanting, as is the newly fashionable spinach. Both are something completely different today than the vegetables we know from kindergarten. When prepared properly, it can be very tasty.

As a source of vitamins and minerals, Brussels sprouts are a vegetable for eternal youth. Thanks to the content of antioxidant vitamins and vitamin B, it has a great effect on the skin, hair and nails. It contains twice as much vitamin C as lemon, so it perfectly improves immunity. Vitamin A, which is found in abundance in Brussels sprouts, has a positive effect on eyesight. It is also worth emphasizing vitamin K, which improves blood clotting and strengthens bones. The macronutrients contained in these little green heads also regulate blood pressure and fiber - peristalsis.

Italian nuts

Nuts are healthy - we all know that. walnuts belong to the healthiest. This is due to the corresponding ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids it contains . We need both, but most of the foods we eat contain the overwhelming benefit of omega-6. Superfoods in which omega-3 naturally predominates are all the more valuable.

Why is it so important? Because the right amount of fatty acids lowers the "bad" cholesterol and increases the "good" and thus prevents arteriosclerosis.

Omega-3 fatty acids are also important in cancer prevention, keep our nervous system in check and support learning processes.



Not quinoa, bulgur, or other exotic groats. Polish superfoods include the traditional one milletthat has been eaten for generations. Delicious and now fashionable too. And that's a good thing, because thanks to it we can find tons of recipes starring millet on the internet. Salty and sweet. According to your wishes and needs.

Its main properties are immunity boosting and the ability to warm the body. It contains rare silicon that has beneficial effects on our bones and joints. In addition, it is easily digestible, contains no gluten and deacidifies the body. Something else? B vitamins, magnesium, iron, antioxidants. What more do you want!?


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