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Get to know the valuable properties of Forskolin

through Biogo Biogo 28 Nov 2022 0 comments
Lernen Sie die wertvollen Eigenschaften von Forskolin kennen

Indian nettle or Coleus Forskohlii, otherwise known as Indian sage or simply Coleus, is a plant that has been used and valued in traditional Indian medicine for years, among other things as a pain reliever, to combat thyroid diseases or heart diseases. It is found in the countries of Southeast Asia and is also valued as an ornamental plant thanks to its beautiful, characteristic, multicolored color. Health-promoting effects are attributed to forskolin, which is obtained from the Indian stinging nettle. Forskolin in Poland in the form of a dietary supplement has only been known for a relatively short time and is primarily attributed to properties that support the fight against overweight.

Forskolin - action and properties

Forskolin in India is used as a calming agent for inflammation and pain. Supports the treatment of asthma. In addition, it helps regulate the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, which is why its intake is recommended in Hashimoto's disease. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, so it can be helpful in autoimmune diseases and alleviate their symptoms, such as psoriasis. It also lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of blood clots. In addition, it helps in the fight against glaucoma and other eye diseases as it also lowers eye pressure. Indian nettle supplements are mainly used in Europe to support weight loss because:

  • stimulates the digestive processes by stimulating the secretion of pancreatic enzymes, pepsin and hydrochloric acid,
  • supports the breakdown of body fat and at the same time supports the building of muscle tissue,
  • helps release excess fat, which is transported to working muscles,
  • supports the production of insulin,
  • helps to achieve the right glucose level,
  • improves metabolism,
  • reduces appetite,
  • helps to release larger amounts of fats and thus their stronger burning.


Forskolin - dosage and side effects

If you decide to take Forskolin in the form of supplements, you should take it according to the manufacturer's instructions, which are outlined in the package insert. Usually it is 1-2 capsules per day. If the indian nettle When used at the recommended doses, studies have not shown any harmful or toxic effects. Forskolin should avoid:

  • pregnant and lactating women,
  • Children,
  • people with hypotension,
  • People who take medication for blood clotting disorders,
  • People suffering from stomach ulcers and reflux.

Dietary supplementation with Indian nettle can be very helpful in improving the functioning of the whole body, has a positive effect on the work of the heart and the entire circulatory system, stimulates the body to produce insulin, and helps to fight extra pounds and build muscle.


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